Capacity increase
Dynamic Line Rating

Ampacimon's Go-to-Guide to FERC order 881 compliance

Jul 2024

The one-year countdown to FERC order 881 has begun and Ampacimon makes sure utilities and transmission providers have everything they need to achieve compliance on time.

FERC 881 recap

Two and a half years ago, Order 881 was greenlit by the Federal Energy Regulatory Agency (FERC). Through Order 881, FERC hopes to find underutilized line capacity on USA's current transmission infrastructure using Ambient Adjusted Ratings (AAR).

AAR provides precise data about factors that affect line capacity and often identifies an additional 15%-40%.

FERC 881 mandates compliance by July 12, 2025, creating urgency for utilities and transmission service providers to implement AAR.

Ampacimon provides the following tools to help them achieve compliance within the next year:

-         FERC 881 compliance – eBook

-         FERC 881 compliance – Case study

-         FERC 881 compliance – Word from the expert

-         FERC 881 compliance – GridBoost solution

-         FERC 881 compliance – 6 month program


FERC 881 Compliance - eBook

Ampacimon has designed an eBook for operators tojumpstart their compliance strategy.


This FERC 881 eBook details the Order’s requirements and non-compliance penalties, explores utility benefits, and provides a detailed comparison of the AAR/DLR approaches to compliance.

It also outlines Ampacimon's FERC 881 Accelerator program, a free, customized pilot program exploring the optimal compliance approach for your environment. 

-      FERC 881 Quick Review

-      Paths to Achieving FERC 881 Compliance

-      Ambient Adjusted Ratings vs Dynamic Line Ratings

-      Measuring the Value of FERC 881 to Utilities

-      Timelines and workflows for achieving compliance by July 12, 2025


Download our complimantary eBook: Pathways to FERC Order 881, A Grid Operator’s Guide. 


FERC 881 Compliance - Case study

Ampacimon partners with a large Southwest IOU, pioneering the implementation of Adjusted Ambient Rating (AAR) solutions to meet FERC Order No. 881 compliance, enhancing transmission capacity and paving the way for future grid modernization.

Leveraging a decade of expertise and real-time wind data,Ampacimon's tailored approach ensures compliance and offers a roadmap for integrating Dynamic Line Rating systems (DLR) to meet evolving energy demands.

Find out more about this partnership and other success stories.


FERC 881 Compliance - A word from the Expert

Stephan Heberer, CEO of Ampacimon, has been working in the energy infrastructure business for 30+ years.

He has actively worked in the field of condition monitoring with a focus on asset management. He has been involved in various strategic monitoring and analytics projects around the world, focusing on the optimization of transmission and distribution infrastructure for power generation, transmission, distribution, offshore windfarms, and the oil and gas industry.

An accomplished leader, he is an expert electrical industry technologist and change agent with a successful record of accomplishment of top-Line growth, operational efficiency, and relentless customer advocacy.

Check out Stephan’s latest column in Energy Central “12 Monthts : Countdown to FERC 881 Deadline”


FERC 881 Compliant solutions

Before FERC 881, utilities set line ratings based on Static Ratings or conservative assumptions about worst-case, long-term air temperature, and weather conditions. This method has resulted in underutilization of the transmission grid.

FERC Order 881 mandates transmission service providers,transmission owners, and system operators to embrace accurate and dynamic methods of transmission line ratings, adjustable on an hourly basis. Transmission line ratings represent the maximum transfer capability of each transmission line and can change based on weather conditions.

Ampacimon provides both AAR and DLR to achieve FERC 881 Compliance.

Discover GridBoost, Ampacimon's capacity optimization solutions


FERC 881 Compliance – Ampacimon's 6-month Program

To facilitate the compliance journey for utilities, the Ampacimon FERC 881 Acceleration Program offers a comprehensive package of professional services and software in a pilot program designed to inform operators’ FERC 881 strategy and accelerate the path to compliance.

Learn more about the accelerator program in our latest press release or contact us for more information.


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