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Ampacimon Is Now an ISO/IEC 27001 Certified Company

Feb 2023

Ampacimon receives ISO 27001 certification.

We are proud to have achieved ISO 27001 Information Security Standard, which focuses on protecting confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.

ISO/IEC-27001 is the most widely acclaimed standard among business professionals. It is considered to be the top tier certification among all bodies that determine the requirements for an information security management system (ISMS).

Ampacimon’s ambition is to enable electrical grids for a CO2-free world, providing solutions to make them more efficient, resilient and lower their operational cost. We aim to do that by providing innovative software and sensors-based solutions, leveraging our rich technology know-how and supplying grid operators with relevant information to enable them to operate grids more efficiently.

Data being the underlying asset enabling Ampacimon’s missions, we strive to ensure that all our operations take cybersecurity risks into account in order to minimize the impact of any data loss or impairment to our customers, employees and other stakeholders. Being ISO 27001 certified is a key step towards properly assessing, managing and minimizing such risks in every aspects of Ampacimon’s business. We strive, at all levels of the company, to adhere to best practices protecting our data and their integrity.

The obtained certificate is a strong indicator that our company has regulated the information security field in accordance with the highest standards, to which we will continue to commit in the future.


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