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Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs) Fundamentals

Jul 2024
Jul 2024
Jul 2024
Jul 2024

Grid-enhancing technologies (GETs) are essential for integrating more variable and distributed energy resources (VERs and DERs), especially where transmission capacity is limited. As part of non-wire alternatives (NWAs), GETs support robust grid expansion and improve overall grid performance.

This event will provide a comprehensive treatment of grid enhancing technologies (GETs) – the hardware and software technologies that increase the capacity, efficiency, and/or reliability of the transmission grid installed on existing transmission infrastructure to give operators more situational awareness and control over the grid.


  1. Identify GETs Hardware and Software
  2. Evaluate GETs Benefits:
    • Capacity: Maximize existing infrastructure use.
    • Efficiency: Reduce transmission losses and enhance power quality.
    • Reliability: Improve grid resilience and fault response.
  1. Strategies for Implementation:
    • Utilities: Integrate GETs withcurrent infrastructure and local grids.
    • Bulk Power Systems: Facilitate regional power transfers and renewable integration.
    • ISOs: Enhance grid reliability and balance supply and demand.
  1. Assess Cost-Effectiveness:
    1. Identify scenarios where GETs are financially viable.
    2. Analyze specific cost-benefit cases.
  1. Address Deployment Challenges:
    • Overcome technical, logistical, and regulatory barriers.
  1. Legislative and Regulatory Impact:
    • Discuss new laws and regulations affecting GETs.
    • Explore FERC’s role in promoting GETs adoption.

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